
Stay tuned here to the latest breaking news and alerts from the City of Collins.  Subscribe today and have News & Notices, and Alerts delivered directly to you via email and or text! 

Just another way we are working harder to better serve our community.

We Have Gone Electronic:)

May 12, 2021

We are continuously looking for ways to better serve our we are going to electronic notifications.
* Newsletters
* Meal plan signups,
* Important notices
** Anything other than the monthly utility bills.

Please email Katie at [email protected] letting her know a good email address for you and she will add you to the list for future notices.

We are working diligently on minimizing unnecessary costs, as most everything is already or has gone to electronic...Emails, Websites, Facebook...etc

If you are wanting to continue to receive a paper copy of the newsletter, important notice...please call (641-385-2205) and advise her, so that we ONLY send information out to those who would like it.