
An ordinance is a law passed by a your City of Collins government. 

Ordinances for the City of Collins may be found below.

If you have any questions regarding a particular ordinance, please call City Hall and we will be happy to help you.

The City Council helps to protect the City of Collins public’s well-being and enhance the quality of life by enforcing the health, safety, zoning and sanitation codes. If you have concerns about a code not being enforced please file a complaint form at City Hall to be addressed at the next council meeting.

Have a question, please CONTACT US.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the city ordinance for burning?

Open burning is restricted. Open burning is permitted in the following circumstances:

1. Disaster rubbish

2. Trees and tree trimmings

3. Landscape waste

4. Recreational fires - open fires for cooking, heating, recreatioin and ceremonies

Burning household waste or trash is prohibited.

What is allowed to be put in the city burn pile?

Yard waste means any debris such as grass clippings, leaves, garden waste, brush and trees. Anything that grows in your yard can be burned. 

NO BUILDNG MATERIALS allowed to be put on the burn pile.

What can I dispose of in the metal bin?

Any and all items disposed of in the metal bin need to be METAL ONLY!


1. Appliances 

2. Box spring

3. Exercise equipment

4. Metal shelving 

5. Automotive parts